Thank you for visiting our blog! Now we have raised $2,111.37. We appreciate your support!!
Last Updated:"CALENDAR" April 22 1:59 a.m.

Upcoming Events

Our Message Movie to Japan from San Francisco


Recent Fundraising

Hi everyone.

First of all, I apologize for late posting. I had a lot of things to do (of course most of them were connected to fundraising for Japan.) Recently, some of us have worked or helped other fundraisers and joined in charity events for Japan. We have sold some products together so we are not sure how much we have collected money as donations now. We let you know when we send the donations to Japan.




Fundraising on the Street #4 @Castro

Hi everyone. This is Yoshito. I'm sorry for the late post.

We met up at Castro Station on April 10th, and collected  $310.43 donations for 2 hours.

Unfortunately, muni train had a trouble so some members were late, but we finally gathered 8 members!! Especially, one person came from San Jose to support us!! Thank you so much! In this time, wore red shirts and switched our main purpose from collecting donations to collecting messages to Japan. We showed donors "our message movie to Japan" and they seemed very happy to watch it!

I hope more people will join and support our activities. I know fundraising makes us very tired but we can have something from donors such as kindness, gentleness, smile, laugh, love, pleasure and so on. Remember, the most donors have already donated for Japan but still they were pleased to donate.
Thank you everyone! You can see our photos on Picasa. Check it out!

President Yoshito


4月10日の日曜日、カストロに集合し、街頭募金活動を行ないました。Muni Trainが
トラブルで遅れたため大幅に遅れてスタートしましたが、過去最高の8人が集まりました。なんと一番遠い人でSan Joseから活動に参加してくれました。ありがとうございます!




代表  Yoshito


Our Message Movie to Japan #1 Uploaded on YouTube!!

One of our members made the message movie to Japan and uploaded it on youtube! Check it out!!

