Thank you for visiting our blog! Now we have raised $2,111.37. We appreciate your support!!
Last Updated:"CALENDAR" April 22 1:59 a.m.

Upcoming Events

Our Message Movie to Japan from San Francisco



Hi all,

I have completed counting the donations that we collected through our first activity on Sunday, March 20th.
With the garage sale at Tomoe-san's space and the donation activity around Dolores Park, we successfully collected a total of $729.50 in one day, technically in about 5hrs.
Personally I was very touched by the fact that there are a lot of people willing to help others like this. One woman even cut a check for us. It is simply amazing and I sincerely appreciate it.

Collecting more donations is our fundamental mission, but let's not simply raise money. I personally believe it is also a good opportunity to talk to people as a representative of Japan. When you get a chance, let's have small conversation and tell them how we feel about this crisis or what we hope. It doesn't have to be something relevant to the earthquake and tsunami, even some chitchats about things in general. It will make a difference in some ways.

Anyway, I think it's about time to set a goal amount! $3,000...$5,000...$10,000?!
Tell us what you think!

Midori :)


Good Start!!

Hi our friends!

Today Tomoe, one of our members, and her husband held their charity garage sale for Japan! Four SFTF members joined it to sell a lot of stuffs. The four members also went to Dolores Park for fundraising. We were surprised with that so many people have already raised money for Japan. More surprising is that they also donated money for our activity! We had no idea how to show this big thanks to them. 
We finally collected roughly more than $650 by charity garage sale and fundraising outside!! Wow! This is much more than our expectation. Thank you for your donation!! This is a good start for us. We are sure we will work for fundraising next weekend too. Please keep checking our blog!! Again, thank you very much and we appreciate you. And, thanks for Tomoe and her husband AJ. We will let you know our next work and we will make this blog bilingual soon!

最終的に4時間ほど活動し、ガレージセールと募金活動合わせて650ドル以上集めることができました。 初めての活動にしては予想以上に集まったのでびっくりです!来週末も活動しようとやる気が出ました(^^)皆さん、本当にありがとうございます。びびなびを見て来てくださったご家族がガレージセールに子ども服などを提供してくれたのは涙ものです。熱が冷めないようこれからも活動していきますので、引き続きブログ、フェイスブックなどをチェックしていただければ嬉しいです。また、活動に協力してくれる方なども随時募集中ですので、遠慮なく連絡ください。最後になりますが、ともえさん、そして旦那さん、場所を提供していただきありがとうございました。

San Francisco Tomodachi Fund

President Yoshito